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Sinkers used in surf-casting

Basically three types of sinkers used in surf-casting:

1.   Ballast Casting:

The casting ballast is a round, tear-shaped ballast that is often used during casting in the rocky areas. This ballast has no sharp edges or corners that can get stuck on the rocks. Even if there is no well that will ensure that you will not be hung on a rock the casting ballast is better than some of the others.

2. Pyramid lead: 

This is the ballast I use. It is in the shape of a pyramid upside down. The fishing line connects to the bottom of the pyramid in the center. The pointed end in the sandy bottom when it lands. The surface of the bottom where I fish is sand and the ballast of the pyramid is anchored in the sandy bottom. This is useful as it prevents the platform from being moved around by the normal wave action. The casting ballast tends to simply roll over the sand surface and as such is not very useful when fishing on the sand.

3. Escape lead:

   This is ballast that is good for fishing on a sandy bottom. It has tentacles that stick in the sand and help keep it in place

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