Types of Plumps Leads surf casting
Types of Plumps Leads surf casting
The clutches:
When the sea moves too much and your Portuguese pellets drift, it's time to move on the clutches. The paws of these grapples have the peculiarity of opening when you shoot them. In fact, to explain to the novice, when you are going to throw your grapple into the sea you will have to stretch your line until your grapple hooks the sand and grabs. When you want to bring back your line you will have to shoot until the paws of your grapple open, it is said that your lead is unhooked. You can adjust your grapple by tightening more or less the legs: if you will be the paws your lead will hold better the sea, on the other hand it will be harder to unhook. On the other hand if you loosen the legs it will be easier (so nicer) to unhook your lead on the other if the sea is too strong it unhooks itself. The goal is to find the ideal setting by groping.
In the photos above you observe at the top on the left a traditional ocean de-clutching grapple, above on the right a phosphorescent de-clutching grapple and down the lead surf leader ocean. Personally i like to use the phosphorescent because it will see you from afar and will allow you to attract curious fish more easily. A shot of front or phone flash and your lead will illuminate like the lighthouse of sate! In this case, reassemble your lead every 20 minutes to bring it back to life by re-illuminating it.
In the middle of the sea, when there are beautiful large rollers and/or a strong current your clutches will not hold and it becomes quickly impeachable. I have seen fishermen do more than an hour of driving and turn back because they only had grappling hooks with them. In these cases the fixed grapples are a necessity because they hold much better the sea, they are real anchors. You can give the shape you want to the brass legs of this grapple:

On the picture above you see on the left a traditional fixed grapple and on the right the lead super grapple ocean which is a must because thanks to its fins it has a better flying outfit. What you have guessed will allow you to launch further, much further.
We have toured the main lead you need to have to face the Mediterranean this winter to get out of pretty sea wolves.
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