Cleaning Saltwater Spinning Reel
Cleaning Saltwater Spinning Reel
if you're using your fishing equipment in salt water you're going to need to take care of it a lot more often than the guys are using the freshwater, if you want it to last a long time so I'm going to show you what I do every day after I am done that makes my equipment last a long time as I need my equipment to be ready every day in a tip-top condition.
How I take care of my reel first you don't want to take your hose and spray it off you can put a really light mist on it but you definitely will put that hose on and because you're going to drive salt down in these crevices and you're going to cause yourself more damage, in the long run, I do take my hose and I wash the rod off but then I get myself a towel I soak the talent down really good which is dripping wet then I'm going to use that towel to hold my reel upright so that water doesn't go up underneath the spool and I'm going to wipe off the entire outer surface of that reel that's all.
I do this thing every day when I get home now once in a while what you can do you give yourself a little bit of added protection you can get yourself a can of household pledge furniture polish lemon pledge you can spray it on your reel if you want and if you got some corrosion this is good for help and take off corrosion if you haven't been taking care of it so much you give it a brush with the toothbrush, I really would skip unless I had some dirt in there I need to get rid of.
I can skip the toothbrush part get myself a clean dry towel and just like I polish it off on the furniture I'm going to polish it off here so now I've given myself not only a nice shine but a little-added protection so that when water and salt does get on here at least for a little while it's good going to beat up and roll right off.
How I take care of my reel first you don't want to take your hose and spray it off you can put a really light mist on it but you definitely will put that hose on and because you're going to drive salt down in these crevices and you're going to cause yourself more damage, in the long run, I do take my hose and I wash the rod off but then I get myself a towel I soak the talent down really good which is dripping wet then I'm going to use that towel to hold my reel upright so that water doesn't go up underneath the spool and I'm going to wipe off the entire outer surface of that reel that's all.
I do this thing every day when I get home now once in a while what you can do you give yourself a little bit of added protection you can get yourself a can of household pledge furniture polish lemon pledge you can spray it on your reel if you want and if you got some corrosion this is good for help and take off corrosion if you haven't been taking care of it so much you give it a brush with the toothbrush, I really would skip unless I had some dirt in there I need to get rid of.
I can skip the toothbrush part get myself a clean dry towel and just like I polish it off on the furniture I'm going to polish it off here so now I've given myself not only a nice shine but a little-added protection so that when water and salt does get on here at least for a little while it's good going to beat up and roll right off.
Do this to your equipment at least wipe it off every time you use it is what you let the corrosion set in it's hard to get rid of it doesn't take that long to wipe that stuff off, it'll last you for years and years.
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