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I had several people  asking me about  instruction on what we call the Hatteras cast.I have had this interest  in the Hatteras cast,I would cover it to break it down for those that are interested in Hatteras cast basic form.

The Hatteras cast is ground cast it's really nothing more than what you can get caught up in trying to do a certain little flip with the sinker in the back swing and that sort of thing, but really the key to the Hatteras cast lies in using the fundamentals that are really “key” in any power cast.

I will cover the most important couple of key aspects is good solid footwork,number one you want to make sure you have a solid base from which to cast, and number two, people really struggle to get their left arm and hand extended out and away from their body when they come through on the power stroke it's easy to let that left hand collapse pull in close to the body and really punch hard with the right it's impressive it looks good you can get off some decent casts that way but you're robbing yourself of a lot of power so I am going to break it down up and throw a few cast and work through the fundamentals with you as I go what I am using today.

One of my favorite reel to Shimano Ultegra, It casts like a dream and got the line capacity, and the drag to handle a big fish, also my Rod series 15 foot 8 to 12, this is made for throwing eight, ten, twelve ounces in bait today for testing purposes.

For a better casting pay attention to your footwork:
  •   First have a solid base when I step into the cast I will plant my left foot to give myself something good and solid to pull against if you're falling forward you cannot effectively push.

  •   Second I will push my left hand out turn it, to hit the cast, right at 150 m with not a tremendous amount of effort.

The reason that it didn't take a lot of effort was based in my left hand now probably the trickiest part of the Hatteras cast that's the transition from the back-swing to the power stroke, “now most other power casts the penguin cast or tournament-style ground cast you've got a lot of time and room to wind up the rod arc and the sinker art goes through a big path before you get to the power strip.

Padders cast is different due to the nature of the straight backdrop, or the straight back swing, I meant to say you really don't have a lot of time the cast happens quickly once you get the rod extended back and the sinker at its fullest extension from the rod.

 It's easy when you toss back to come through and keeping this left hand tucked right up against your chest then hit it hard with the right you're robbing yourself a power if you do that the key is tossing a sinker by transitioning that left arm keep it extended to you get into if you left hand out in front of your face or your forehead and then pull it as you punch that's one of the real keys to the hatteras cast swing.

The second back don't get hung up don't worry about any little flips or dips with the sinker at the back just throw it back let it do what it's going to do back there in transition from the arm out and rising front of your face left pull right punch to finish the cast when you hit in this position you can pull as hard as you can pull, the sinkers already moving the sinkers moving forward so it's a moving target so you can lay into you can pull hard with that left even though you're throwing eight ounces on a hunk of bait or ten you can still hit it hard.

I hope that it has helped and has clarified a couple of things about the hatteras cast just remember the fundamentals solid footwork needs a solid base from which to cast use your body rotations, body is important and remember if you don't get anything else out of this article remember:
  • Extend your left arm out.
  • Get your arms away from your body rotate into the cast punch.
  • Pull with the left can't emphasize how important it is to get that left hand out.

Pull with it is the key to the Hatteras cast any power cast really we get the left hand out pull with it, it's like adding a turbocharger to the cast compared to just hitting it with your right.

I hope this is helped.

Have a Great Fishing Day

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